Delivery Information
To calculate shipping: Add items to you basket and choose CHECKOUT - the postage & packing charge will be shown.
You can still return to shopping and add or remove items, and recalculate the postage as many times as you wish.
The order is only finalised when you confirm and make you payment. Once you have confirmed and made payment you will get an email, if your email does not arrive, you can always log onto your account, and choose account history to see your order status
Once payment is complete NO ADDITIONS can be made to your order. We DO NOT have access to your credit card and cannot make any charges other than the one you have made.
We reserve the right to Change the service at our discretion. This change would normally be an upgrade.
We DO NOT guarantee same day despatch. Most orders will leave the same day if ordered before 12 midday (Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays etc). Please refer to the carriers website for their terms and conditions on service.
We currently offer Royal Mail 24 and 48 tracked and Special Delivery from Royal Mail. Special Delivery is the only guaranteed service offered by Royal Mail, and they will deliver the next day AFTER we have despatched (we do not guarantee to despatch the same day that you order). The guarantee for this service may be suspended at times by Royal Mail. All other services are subject to Parcel rate may be Royal Mail or other courier. Details of the tracked 24 and 48 terms are below - this is NOT a guaranteed service. Royal Mail will NOT compensate if your item does not arrive within the stated time.